Unlimited classes for 2 weeks, for new students only. Includes access to all of our weekly recorded classes. A great way to sample our classes & get to know us better!
for Morning Express, Morning Stretch & Meditation, and Midday Stretch & Balance classes
An excellent value if you attend 2 classes a week or more!
Unlimited classes, auto-renews each month, can cancel anytime (just let us know). Includes ongoing access to all of our recorded weekly classes, for practice on your own schedule, anytime day or night.
An excellent way to nourish & support your own steady practice, and an especially good deal if you take 2 classes per week or more!
Unlimited classes for a single month, does not auto-renew. Includes access to recorded weekly classes, for practice anytime day or night.
A set amount of classes valid for a specific period of time. Great if you plan on attending classes once a week, or whenever your schedule will allow it!
valid for 3 months
valid for 6 months
We can only accept online payment via credit card at this time.
We understand that life can feel extra-busy sometimes! So, if you need an extension on your class card, please let us know before your card expires. We are happy to extend your card’s expiration date by 1 week, but cannot grant longer extension periods except in cases of emergency or injury. Please let Amy Jo or Cathy know if your situation falls under one of these categories, and we can work something out.
Bodhi Tree Yoga gift certificates available for any of our class passes (or a single class), and can be purchased online!